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Featured Testimonials

Raves: ( Letter Excerpt)

Dear Richard,

In my many years of sponsoring and attending seminars, yours has proven to be the most valuable I have experienced.

I’ve received more positive feedback from your two day Presentation Coaching class than any other in my career. This is not an ordinary seminar where the participants leave and return to their former habits. What distinguishes your Presentation Selling class and therefore, makes it extraordinary, are the changed behaviors of the attendees.

I have witnessed our reps and managers doing valuable and more in-depth presentation preparation, organization, and more powerful presentation delivery as a result of the two days with you! It is easy to tell at our meetings, who attended your class and more notably, who did not!

I personally use the skills I learned in every one of my presentations, and I often refer to the materials when preparing for a meeting or key presentation.

Thank you again for a valuable two days! You have certainly earned the title ”North America’s Presentation Coach” for all of us at Unisource. I look forward to using your organization again in the near future.

D. D, Director of Marketing, Unisource Worldwide, USA

Raves: “… I learned more about presenting and delivering a point in the first 30 minutes of your course than I have in my whole professional career. I changed the way I present almost 100%.

I utilize the skills and written/CD material on an ongoing basis…the best skills class I have ever been to in my professional career. It is something you can keep with you to use year over year rather than a motivational skills class where the skills start to fade away over time.

J. M., Certified Master Presenter

Raves:…your ‘Coaching’ sessions were the most productive, useful training that I have attended in my 20 year business career. The big difference is that you do not lecture, by having your attendees participate from the opening bell; you retain much more than sitting in a room taking notes for 2 days…giving us homework over a 6 month period it helped us keep fresh what we learned…

C. R., Certified Master Presenter

Raves:“…from the subtleties of daily client interactions to formalized presentation settings, Richard helped our team understand and build on our strengths and gave us useful insights that we were able to apply immediately.”

…“Richard helped our presentations become more effective communication vehicles that are fully informative and simultaneously completely engaging for our audience.”

T.A., Vice-President, theadlibgroup

Raves:”…first time in 13 years of (advertising) business experience that anyone has reached me on presentation training…I now feel more confident.”

…”extremely well planned and executed program…all information and tips were very relevant and beneficial…Richard is a star! – very animated with a great sense of humour that helped break the tension.”

L.L., Group Account Director,

Raves: “… I have already implemented changes. The perfect presentation has eluded me long enough!

J. D., MIP Recipient & Most Improved Presenter

Raves: “…Your system is great! I travel with the binder in my car to keep this process fresh in my mind. I just used your presentation skills in small claims court and won!

P.S – I want to thank you for teaching me these great skills which I utilize in each presentation. I keep your binder right next to my desk in plain view. Thank you again and will keep you updated on great success stories.


Raves:”… I have learned more in the 2 day course on how to focus a presentation to the customers needs than I have learned in my 11 years of Sales & Management experience.”



Raves: "...the Presenting with Integrity™ program was amazing, I implemented five presentation techniques almost immediately after the program...if I'd of only taken this course years ago ...I can say.... THIS STUFF ACTUALLY WORKS!!!...thanks for the powerful coaching Richard."

- O.C., Manager, Facilities Supplies, MA., Unisource Worldwide Inc.

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